Monday, December 14, 2009

Being Heathy is a good thing

Being healthy is wonderful. It feels great being healthy. Not being in pain is awesome. I believe there is health in your future. Do little things like switching to whole wheat products in place of the while flour. Start one product at a time. Slowly but surely you will beat your food addictions and cravings and will not hate what you are doing. Please continue taking your vitamins. It is a start to reversing your health into something beautiful. You don't want to live in pain, Its miserable. Please confess with your mouth that you are healthy and continue to take your vitamins and drink water and exercise. I love being healthy and continue. to take your vitamins, drink water and exercise. I love being healthy There are less worries when you are healthy, like going to doctor for a cause or pain a doctor deductible or just redirecting your time towards and illness. Being healthy gives you more free time and the less money you have to pay in the end to try to stay alive unless you seek help through prayer. Prayer is good and makes you healthy. It is a step. Please stay healthy it is a beautiful way to live. Being healthy means watching what you eat considering not eating late or drinking things that dehydrate you. Being healthy means staying hydrated and caring about being hydrated. Health is a wonderful exciting thing. Detoxifying, breathing, relaxing, learning and eating right can be a good thing if you use them right. Health can include a lot of things with exercising, eating and living. Health would include being safe not going no where risky or dangerous, paying attention to your surroundings we should thank God for being healthy and if your not you can thank God by faith. I know these ideas will help you.
Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A little Health Help

We do not have to get paid to live a healthy lifestyle. We can work out just to maintain our daily activities to live. Being healthy means to maintain health in every area of life. Manage stress, maintain a schedule at begining of the week to track stress. If you know something will be to impossible for you to do or it is overwhelming put it off to next week or another day. Don't let stress kill you. Pace yourself. Be patient, do not let your mind overwhelm you. Be cool, chill out. Choose wisely, make sure your time is managed right and not to overwhelming. Ask yourself what is the health benefit of this, whatever it is your doing. Find information that will help you don't just listen to anything because its there. Always keep in mind God's word. God's word makes life smooth. Make sure you go the right direction in your health. If you cannot take a vacation just step in the backyard for some fresh air. We must safeguard ourselves from high cost, and not put to much bad stuff in our body, as much as you know. Being well will save you a lot of money in the long run. You pay a high price for low cost living Dr. Mike Moore said. Just think paying for medications, things not covered by insurance, gas to the doctore etc...Eating right and exercising may reduce your risk of a lot of pain and health issues and cost. Hope this article help, more to come.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to be Healthy

Life not Death

In order for us to be healthy, we have to be healthy on the inside not just the outside.The B vitamins which is found in the bean, fruit and vegetable pill on the right hand side of page sharpens your memory focus and lower your cholesterol with the fabulous B vitamins. Vitamin C fights the common cold. Vitamin D is a defense vitamin against cancer. Calcium supports in strong bones. Zinc boost your immune system. Fiber flushes your system. Vitamins aid in giving life to yourself not kill yourself. Your body uses vitamins to repair the body, help body grow, help body cleanse itself. A vitamin boost will help you when your body is trying to heal. Human health is a fascinating subject. Things in the health area of your life change fast because of the research.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The importance of taking Vitamins

Vitamins will work to repair the body and keep it functioning.
Vitamins are the basic foundamental step to how to be healthy.
Vitamins help build your immune system, maintain energy, help stop fatigue, and prevent your body from breaking down.
You will lower your risk of disease.
Chronic marginal vitamin defenciences may reduce resistance to environmental toxins and carcinogens.
Vitamin defenciencies harms physical performance, immune function, and mental behavior.
Vitamins help protect against illness with the brain.
reference- Winter Ruth, M.S. Vitamin E 1998

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Antioxidant vitamins job is to break down free radicals into water and oxygen(nonradical) through the action of various defensive enzymes and to reduce the concentration of radicals in the blog with help of free radical scavengers (winter). Vitamins help protect you from common ills such as heart disease, cancer, and other body and brain disrupters (Winter, Ruth Vitamin E 1998).

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

For Weight health

After the age of 19 your metabalism slows this product will speed up your metabalism, provide lean muscle mass to burn fat faster, take a look at the video. Over 6 million bottles sold. Please save page to your favorite list for later.

Health Option

Fish oil will help your soreness when you exercise. You will not feel as sore. Just in case you do not eat enough fish you can take fish oil.